
High School Online Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

Who takes National History Academy Online Courses?

National History Academy Online is designed for students with an interest in the history, law and government of the United States.

Are National History Academy Online Courses offered for credit?

National History Academy Online does not offer credit at this time. Students who complete the program will receive a certificate of completion.

What is the time commitment of taking a National History Academy Online Course?

During these one-week courses, Students are expected to spend approximately two hours a day for five days participating in virtual classrooms, engaged in tours, reading the case, and listening to guest speakers present. Some additional, optional sessions would increase this time commitment. Typically, all synchronous class sessions are from 8:00 – 9:30pm EDT.

Who are National History Academy Online Course teachers?

National History Academy teachers come from schools across the US and are experienced and passionate history and civics teachers.

All National History Academy high school teachers have been trained by the Case Method Institute.

What are the technical requirements for National History Academy Online Courses?

Technical Requirements:

  • Must have regular access to a reliable computer
  • An internet connection. High-speed broadband access is highly recommended
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  • Microphone
  • Speakers or headphones to hear audio from a computer

A reasonable level of computer literacy, including proficiency with the following (at a minimum):

  • Using a keyboard and mouse
  • Sending and receiving email
  • Selecting, copying, and pasting text
  • Accessing the Internet using a web browser such as Chrome or Firefox
  • Performing basic Internet searches with appropriate search terms
  • Using a webcam, microphone and speakers to participate in virtual meetings/classrooms.

Is National History Academy Online a nonprofit?

Yes, NHA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Are there any prerequisites or requirements?

There are no prerequisites for National History Academy Online courses.

Can I work at my own pace and time in these online courses?

National History Academy Online courses are synchronous, meaning they typically require collaboration and discussion amongst classes which are scheduled at specific times. Video tours and guest speakers are also synchronous. There will be some asynchronous elements, meaning you can do reading and project work at your own pace and time during the time frame that the course is open.

Will I be able to access the course material after the courses end?

We keep our online courses open for one week after the course ends, so you will have time to peruse resources even after the course is over.

How will I know when I have access to an online course I registered for?

You will receive an email with your login information and invitation to join the course.

What should I expect as a participant in an online course?

Our courses are designed to be highly interactive. Participants are expected to log into their course at scheduled times to participate in classroom discussions and interactive tours.

Whether it’s a discussion, work on a shared project, or reading for the course, clear timeframes for the completion of coursework will be provided by the instructor. Just as with a traditional learning environment, participants are expected to communicate and collaborate with peers both synchronously (at a set time, using video conferencing), and asynchronously (at different times, using online discussion tools).